It’s definitely a challenge to manage diabetes. Not only does it require you to make drastic changes to your diet, it also requires extensive monitoring and maintenance. Although dealing with diabetes is always going to be hard, there are a variety of ways to manage the condition. Here are some things you can do to manage diabetes and keep healthy.
All food has a ‘glycemic index’ this is how much your blood sugar will be affected when you eat them. Low glycemic index foods will also be best for those with diabetes.
Simplify your life by developing your own daily diabetes routine. Keep your insulin close to you and store it in the same spot every night. Let your testing become a routine and you won’t forget to do it regularly and to write in your log.
For a quick and healthy way to squelch hunger without interfering with your diabetes, snack on almonds. Unsalted almonds are not only very healthy, but they contain protein, fiber and other essential nutrients. Keep them handy next to the couch so you’re able to snack on a few while you watch television.
Simplify your life with organization and routine. One idea is to establish a designated area for your glucose meter and testing supplies. When testing, keep track of it as a routine so that you don’t forget any steps. Also, try to jot down your numbers.
These days, diabetes is much more common. Understanding this will help you to feel more comfortable with your diagnosis and make things simpler for you.
It’s not something that you should feel ashamed about, especially since it’s increasingly common. You can make your life much easier to deal with and have less stress and shame due to diabetes.
Sleep Apnea
If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, it’s important that you get tested for sleep apnea. If you do have sleep apnea, seeking treatment in a timely manner is important if you want to remain healthy.
Make sure to read the nutrition labels as many common foods contain this. If it has corn syrup, back to the shelf it goes. If you buy food products in Canada, you will want to watch out for any food that is labeled with “glucose/fructose”.
Try to be careful getting a pedicure if you have diabetes.. It is frequently difficult for diabetics to have successful healing of foot injuries. Even a small cut received during a pedicure could cause problems and complications.
Make sure you keep some kind of sugar-based treat with you if you are hypoglycemic. Attacks from hypoglycemia can pop up any place and at anytime; therefore, it’s vital you are properly prepared in case one occurs. If you have skipped breakfast, this is definitely true because your blood sugar will already be low.
Make a list of high glycemic index foods and learn to identify potential problem foods and ingredients. Food that are high in glycemic indexes are pasta, cereal, desserts, juices and breads. Eating processed food will do your blood sugar no favors. Instead, include meat, fish, veggies and low-glycemic fruits in your diet.
If you have diabetes and like to snack, resisting the “quick fix” snacks in vending machines is really hard. But, it is quite important that unhealthy snacks are passed over for fruit or vegetables.
Soda, ketchup, and other sweet foods have this in them, so make sure you read your ingredients and nutritional information. If it has corn syrup, do not buy it. In foreign countries such as Canada, this can be known as a combination of glucose and fructose.
Watch the foods you eat if you are diabetic. The food you eat will change your blood sugar level almost immediately after you eat, so you need to monitor and log what you are eating. The larger the meal, the more insulin you will need to inject. It is possible to actively manage glucose levels if you are careful about what you eat.
Developing gestational diabetes isn’t anybody’s fault. In most cases, this condition does not appear for any specific reasons. Don’t let your stress overwhelm you, and keep your chin up when thinking about your kid and yourself.
If you have diabetes, you may want to put down that pack of cigarettes. Smoking harms everyone, but it can spike blood glucose which can be hazardous for those with diabetes. If you have a hard time quitting, talk to your doctor about what methods you may use.
You can decrease the chance of developing diabetes by converting to a diet that is high in fiber. This is a good way to replace high glycemic foods, such as white bread or processed foods by whole grain foods. Many studies have proven that people who consume more whole grains have a lower risk of developing the disease.
Ask your doctor about sugar pills if you have hypoglycemia. You can get a prescription for glucose in tablet form. These tablets will help increase your sugar levels quickly and more effectively.
Blood Sugar
To keep watch on gestational diabetes after the baby is born, you should continue to track your blood sugar levels, even if you think the condition has been resolved. It is often assumed to be impossible to continue to have problems with blood sugar regulation after birth, but unfortunately this is not the case.
If you have bouts of hypoglycemia, always carry sugary foods such as gum with you to consume when needed. Hypoglycemia can attack anywhere, so you should always be prepared. This is particularly true when you have avoided breakfast; your body craves sugar after having no food all night.
You must maintain your health rigorously and keep an eye on what you eat. Diabetes may be hard to deal with, but the advice in this article will make it less of a challenge. Stop struggling and start treating your diabetes as a normal part of life.