Managing diabetes requires hard work and research. Diabetics have to make significant dietary changes, and also have to regularly monitor their health. While diabetes is challenging, there are a number of things you can do to better cope with this condition. Read on to find some suggestions that will assist you in managing your diabetes.
Almonds are a great snack to eat between meals that will help to maintain normal levels of blood sugar. Consuming almonds can decrease the blood sugar surges that often accompany meals. You can keep a full bowl right by your couch so they are an easy grab while you watch television.
The glycemic index of foods indicates how much the food item can affect glucose levels. Look for lower GI ratings if you struggle with diabetes.
There are a number of other foods with protein that you can eat, including eggs, dairy products, beans and tofu. Try various things to keep you healthy and avert the boredom of a strict diet.
Do things the same way each time, and life will be easier and better organized. For example, put your meter and insulin in the same place every night to make it easy to find in the morning. When you are going to test your blood sugar levels, have a routine in place so you do not forget an important step, and you remember to write down the levels in a log.
These days, diabetics are everywhere. This will help you come to terms with your diagnosis, not to mention prevent you from being inconvenienced.
Almonds are a great way to keep your sugar levels stabilized if you need a little snack. Unsalted almonds are not only very healthy, but they contain protein, fiber and other essential nutrients. Keep a bowl by the couch so you can grab some for a snack while you watch TV.
Hypoglycemic Attack
Hypoglycemics should always have hard candy and sugary gum available in case of a hypoglycemic attack. Stay prepared for the advent of a hypoglycemic attack, as they can take place out of nowhere. This is especially significant if you are prone to avoiding breakfast, which results in the body feeling a significant need for sugar.
You can save money by getting your diabetes medications from a website. They even have it set up so you can receive your medications monthly, this way you never have to worry about running out of the crucial supplies you need.
Due to the large number of diabetics, diabetes awareness has really grown over the past decade. This makes dealing with your diagnosis much easier, eliminating some of the stress.
Make a list of high glycemic index foods and learn to identify potential problem foods and ingredients. High glycemic foods are those such as cereal, pasta, juice, bread and desserts. Processed foods are bad for your blood glucose levels. Add more fresh vegetables and fruits, meats and fish to your diet.
There are many free ways to work exercise into your schedule which is great for controlling diabetes, such as jogging around your neighborhood or doing some work outs at the park nearby. Go to the park and use the jungle gym to do chin ups. If you want to stay home, do some weight training with bags filled with heavy objects.
Talk to your doctor when you become pregnant and think you might have gestational diabetes. When you make the choice not to control such a powerful sickness, you are making the choice to no longer control your life and are putting your unborn child in serious danger. Your doctor will be able to tell you what you should eat and perhaps give you some medications.
Add walnuts to your salad. Walnuts are a source of monosaturated fats. These fats make it easier for cells to receive insulin, making walnuts an easy way to fight back against diabetes. Walnuts contain antioxidants, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins; no wonder they’re great for you to eat.
If you start to have vision problems, you need to talk to your doctor. There are many eye-related conditions associated with diabetes, such as diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, and glaucoma. This can eventually lead to blindness if you do not take care of these issues.
Gestational Diabetes
Do not blame yourself for gestational diabetes. Most of the time gestational diabetes simply happens for no apparent reason. Cancel negative thoughts and think positively about your child and yourself. This will go a long way toward lowering stress.
Try to be careful getting a pedicure if you have diabetes.. Since diabetics are at an increased risk for foot-related complications, it is especially important to safeguard against possible fungal infections or cuts.
It is normal for your blood sugar level to spike in response to low glucose treatments. This may be caused by the low glucose itself, or it may be a result of excessive eating or drinking when you attempt to treat your low glucose levels. Try lowering the amount of food or drink by half and give your levels a check at 30 minutes.
If you are a diabetic and also smoke, it is in your best interests to quit. Smoking is bad for people in general, but it is even worse for those with diabetes because it can result in blood sugar being elevated to dangerous levels. The highly addictive nature of nicotine can make quitting a very difficult process. Seek advice from your doctor.
Unless your doctor tells you different, you should take your fast-acting insulin no more than 15 minutes before eating. These types of insulin will help to maintain blood sugar, as long as they are used properly and as directed by a physician.
Hypoglycemics should always have hard candy and sugary gum available in case of a hypoglycemic attack. Stay prepared for the advent of a hypoglycemic attack, as they can take place out of nowhere. If you didn’t eat breakfast then this is especially true, as skipping meals will make your body crave sugar.
To stay on top of your diabetes, remind yourself of what you gain by managing the condition. Try to think of all the things that you like doing and how you need to control your diabetes to enjoy them. This can help you keep yourself focused on the positives in your life and motivated in the management of your diabetes.
Diabetes requires careful analysis of your body and diet. Diabetes can be challenging to live with, but the information laid out here can make it much less of a burden. Stop letting your diabetes control you; you can start controlling it, for a change.