Knowledge is power if you, or a loved one, has diabetes. Read the following article, and apply the tips wherever you can in your life to battle this dangerous disease. Failure to act now can lead to some serious complications with your diabetes.
Many people have diabetes. When you don’t force yourself to hide, you will take steps to fight the shame and stigma sometimes associated with diabetes.
A large number of foods have an assigned “glycemic index,” which is a number that tells you how much the food affects your blood sugar after eating it. Remember, the lower the GI number, the better for a diabetic!
When you have diabetes, you need to learn to indulge your body in a healthier manner. It is probably not necessary for you to ban sweets altogether. If you maintain the proper blood sugar levels, every so often it is alright to indulge in sweets. Eliminate some carbohydrates from your main meal if you want to eat desert!
Diabetics must be careful during pedicures. It is frequently difficult for diabetics to have successful healing of foot injuries. Even a small cut received during a pedicure could cause problems and complications.
Ketchup, pop, and other sweets contain this item. That is why it is necessary to read the food labels, and return it to the shelf when you know that it contains corn syrup. If you are Canadian, this ingredient is known as “glucose/fructose.”
You can eat some almonds if you are hungry. This will not affect your sugar levels. Consuming almonds can decrease the blood sugar surges that often accompany meals. Have some handy so you can munch on them when it’s time for a snack.
Blood Sugar
It is important to know the glycemic index of foods which can rapidly increase your blood sugar. Food that are high in glycemic indexes are pasta, cereal, desserts, juices and breads. Eating processed food will do your blood sugar no favors. Try eating fruits, veggies, meats, and fish instead.
There are a lot of ways you can shed some pounds to control diabetes, you can run or work out at your local park. Go to the park and use the jungle gym to do chin ups. If you want to stay home, do some weight training with bags filled with heavy objects.
Nowadays people with diabetes are everywhere. Acknowledging this can eliminate any shame or stress that came with your diagnosis, and make living with the condition much easier.
Watching your diet carefully is important when you are diagnosed with diabetes. Your blood glucose will react to different foods in different ways so it is important to monitor what you are and are not eating. Bigger meals will need higher injections of insulin, and small meals might require less. Keeping a close eye on your meals will help you to keep your glucose levels in check, and stay healthy.
Replace your usual three meals with five or six smaller meals. Eating more frequently, but in smaller amounts, keeps your blood glucose levels more consistent. Eating frequently decreases the chance of binging because you will feel much more satisfied.
Diabetics who smoke need to try and quit. Not only is smoking bad for everybody, it is especially bad for diabetics because it could raise your blood sugar to dangerous levels. Your doctor can help you to determine the best way to beat your nicotine addiction.
Add walnuts to your salads for a nutritional ingredients. The monounsaturated fats in walnuts can increase cell receptivity to insulin to help your body maintain good blood sugar levels. They are also known for having many vitamins and minerals, along with omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Besides having all of these wonderful benefits, they offer an energy boost, and have a great flavor.
Take your insulin exactly as prescribed by you physician. This insulin helps your blood sugar stay at a proper level when it is used properly. But it needs to be dosed and timed out properly.
Give yourself a constant reminder of why taking care of your diabetes is so important. Think about what keeps you from doing the things you love, and how you can change that. Concentrate on the meaningful things in your life, and let them inspire and encourage you to remain proactive in the management of your disease.
A variety of spices can add flavor to a diabetics diet without adding sugar, fat or calories. Cinnamon naturally brings out the sweetness in food, and it doesn’t add any sugar in the process. Some studies have shown that cinnamon will lower the sugar levels, but regardless it is a good thing to add to your foods.
Always keep sugary gum or another form of sugar that is quick to grab and consume on hand when you are hypoglycemic. It is vital to your well-being that you always stay prepared because your hypoglycemia can rear its head at any time. This definitely rings true if breakfast hasn’t been eaten yet, as your body still needs its sugar.
People with hypoglycemia may benefit from glucose tablets, and should discuss this option with their doctor. These tablets are easy to carry around and can help to increase your glucose levels more quickly and effectively than sugary foods, as these foods take longer for your system to digest.
Information will always give you the best chance of winning any battle, and that’s especially true when dealing with something as dangerous and as unpredictable as diabetes. What you’ve just read here, are a collection of tips that you can use to empower you, when working hard to conquer the disease. Don’t waste time; get started today.